Quinine During Pregnancy.

Botanical name: 

So common is the belief that quinine stimulates uterine contractions that it is either avoided entirely during pregnancy or it is given with temerity and anxiety. The truth is that quinine has but little if any action upon the gravid uterus, when there are no other causes of uterine contraction, or when these contractions are not present. When there are regular contractions they will be increased by this remedy, but at no other time.

In some localities malarial manifestations are quite common during the pregnant term. These should be treated as at other times, but care at least may be exercised in the administration of the quinine salts. If the remedy be given in conjunction with a little tincture of capsicum or with a very small quantity of arsenic, and given just at the proper time, no harm will result.

If the attacks are periodical, their occurrence should be anticipated by about five hours, and at that time from one and one-half to two grains of quinine, with onefourth of a grain of capsicum, and if the liver is at all sluggish, from one-sixth to onefourth of a grain of leptandrin, all combined in a capsule, may be given, and this dose repeated every two hours until three doses are given, then no more until the next day. Three or four days of this treatment will break up the periodicity, when other agents may be prescribed as indicated.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.