Chronic Metritis.

In the treatment of chronic metritis, the action of any remedy is necessarily slow, and at the present time surgical measures are too often resorted to. Prof. A. L. Clark, who was our highest authority on this subject, after giving we students some excellent advice, at one time, concerning the care of the patient, made the following statements:

"In my own experience in the medical treatment of chronic metritis I have found nothing superior to the compound wine of comfrey, combined with the fluid extract of gossypium, in the proportion of five ounces of the former to one ounce of the latter. The patient taking one or two teaspoonfuls four times a day, according to her susceptibility. After two or three weeks I would follow this by a prescription of the compound sirup of mitchella, two teaspoonfuls three times a day. Another favorite prescription of mine, is three ounces of viburnum prunifolium, one ounce of the fluid extract of conium maculatum with four ounces of simple syrup. A teaspoonful of this eight-ounce mixture three times a day."

In the treatment of acute subinvolution the use of even the best remedies is not always satisfactory, their action being slow. In my earlier practice I obtained splendid results, by applying a mild faradaic current over the uterus with the negative pole over the sacral nerve. I have relieved pronounced distress by a single application and have cured severe cases within a few days. Tonic remedies are usually indicated at the same time.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.