

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 08:02:38 EST
From: "Stein, Brian" <steinb.SMTP.MICROCOM.COM>
Subject: Conjuctivitis

My son, who is 7 months, looks like he has conjuctivitis. My wife is bringing him to the pediatrician today. The pediatrician prescribed an eye salve to use until he can be seen. The ingrediants are; erythimician(sp), mineraI oil, and petralium(sp). I was wondering if there are any herbal cures, taking into consideration that he is only 7 months old.

From: Deb Phillips <ARmidwife.AOL.COM>

Best cure for conjuctivitis is breastmilk. Just squirt a little in the baby's eye. It is the best cure.

Licensed Midwife