Valerian: alternatives, dosage, form.

Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs
Subject: Re: VALERIAN:) :)
From: (Phoenyx & Ttirzaa)
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 1995 09:13:36 -0400

: (Brent) writes:
>What can anyone tell me about Valerian other than it taste REAL BAD...I need help on dosage, for a cup of tea or any other method of ingesting?? I seem to have a VERY HIGH level of tolerance. Any suggestions.

Since you don't find the Valerian working very well, you might try some other teas: Such as, Chamomile, Valerian, and Mint in equal parts Steeped not boiled with Honey. Also you may try 2 parts Fennel and 1 part Anise also steeped with honey. You may also try flavoring to taste with HONEY both of these teas. We find that both work very well for relaxation.

From: (Noel Gilmore) (Jacqueline Grunfeld) wrote:
> The best way to avoid the taste of Valerian is to take it in capsule or tablet form. In Australia, it is available in both 500mg and 1000mg doses. I find it most effective when taken in combination with Skullcap and Passionflower, aswell as Calcium and magnesium. There are several formulations available from the health food store that contain these herbs and minerals in an easy to swallow capsule. It is best taken half an hour before sleep with half a glass of warm milk (assuming you are not milk intolerant).

In the U.S. there's a company named UPTIME which makes a tablet called DOWNTIME containing chamomile, valerian root, hops, black cohosh, lavender, rosemary and passion flower. I haven't exactly subjected it to double-blind testing, you understand, but it was helpful to me when I was experiencing insomnia side effects from a drug I take.


> ... I need help on dosage, for a cup of tea or any other method of ingesting?? I seem to have a VERY HIGH level

What are you taking valerian for? Insommnia?

The usual dosage is 150-300mg solid extract in capsule form, or 1 tsp fluid extract in a tea.

From: (Itype)

Valerian root is much more palatable in capsule form. I take 1 three times a day to control anxiety and it seems to work. If I've had an exceptionally stressful day i take 2 at bedtime instead of one. It works for me, anyway.


If you don't like your VALERIAN you're not using 6 tablespoons of VALERIAN and 3 cups of water poured through a MISTER COFFEE and sweetened with honey.

Believe me you won't be able to argue the point with me after a couple of cups - plus you'll sleep like a baby.