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Female surgery.

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If a doc wants to remove your reproductive bits, ask him to remove his own first.

It's my firm belief that the current "let's just remove these bits, she won't need'em anyway" fad will be looked on with horror a couple decades down the line. Ladies, if a doc wants to remove your reproductive bits, ask him to remove his own first. Don't let them remove anything at all, unless your trouble really is crippling or life-threatening.

Ask him if he'd still want to remove things if you were a guy and the cancer risk in question were the testes. You can be sure that he would not... but for you he discusses it without blanching, cos you're only a lady, and ladies' bits aren't important.

Note, your ovaries and womb are very important. If they want to cut out bits because you have cysts, trouble with your menses (like profuse bleading or pains) or similar, go visit a good alternative practitioner first. These problems are relatively easily removed with lifestyle changes, supplements (magnesium, B6, Vit. E, zinc, etc.) and herbs.

Because once your bits are out you won't get them back, and if they cut out your ovaries you're now having a surgical menopause, and need to be on HRT (hormone replacement therapy - popping pills) forever after. Congratulations! ... not.

... and that was my rant # 13.


thanks henriette- Im glad youre ranting. I agree.

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