Treatment of Naevus.

Botanical name: 

Selected writings of A. Jackson Howe.

Dr. Howe was the first, so far as we are aware, to treat naevi by means of injections of an alcoholic preparation of Thuja. The success attending this procedure has justified its employment, and small naevous patches at least should have the benefit of this treatment. Though an old, old remedy for many affections, it was through Dr. Howe's advocacy that Thuja became a remedy for verrucous and vascular blemishes, for which it is now largely employed. See also papers on "Thuja Again," and "Thuja in Anal Prolapsion."—Ed. Gleaner.

TREATMENT OF NAEVUS.—There are several recognized and legitimate ways of treating "mothers' marks," as naevi or vascular stains are denominated. One method is to remove the discolored integument by a series of elliptical excisions; and another is to puncture the disorganized skin with a cataract needle; and still another is to paint the naevoid spot with tincture of thuja.

Lately I have had under my treatment a naevus—arterio-venous—of the eyelid. It involved the integument and the conjunctiva, so that incision was impracticable. Besides, the alcohol of the thujal tincture provoked undue irritation of the eye. To hasten a cure I injected a few drops of the tincture of thuja into the vascular mass every week, using a small hypodermic needle for the execution of the purpose. Some inflammation followed the injections, yet this was in no way baleful. In ten weeks no deformity existed. Injections were made on six different occasions. The result was highly satisfactory. Naevi of the vulva may be cured by the same method.—HOWE, Eclectic Medical Journal, 1883.

The Biographies of King, Howe, and Scudder, 1912, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M. D.