145-148 Pomgranates, Tobacco, Sow-bread, greater Spurge.

145 Pomgranates. 145c Pomgranates. Text page 037. 145. Pomgranates. Granata, Punica mala.

Also see #097, Pomgranates.

1. The Pomgranate Tree which bears Fruit produces a single Flower of the same colour as the double; and the Tree it self differs very little from the other.
2. This Tree, as well as the other, grows in Spain, Italy, and the warm countries.
3. The single Flowers are drying and restringent, good for Hemorrhagies & Bleedings both inward and outward. The Fruit is gratefull and strengthning to the Stomach, stops Looseness and the immoderate Flux of the Terms; and is usefull in hot biliose Fevers, and Gonorrheas.
4. Greek, Ροια. Latin, Granata. Spanish, Granadas. Italian, Melagrano or Pomo granato. French, Pomes de Grenades or Mygrains. German, Granatopffelbaum. Dutch, Granaat Boom.

146 Tobacco. 146c Tobacco. 146. Tobacco. Petum. Tabaccum.

1. It grows to be three Foot high, the Leaves are grass Green, & ye Flowers a pale Red.
2. It is sown in the Spring and flowers in Iuly and August.
3. The Green Leaves are used in Ointments and OIls, for Wounds, Ulcers, Inflammations, Tumours, Piles and the King's Evil. The Dryed Leaves are a strong Emetic, & ought to be used with great Caution. - chew'd or smoak'd it evacuates Phlegm. - A Drop of the Distilled oil taken inwardly will kill a Cat. Sometimes this Oil is dropt into a hollow Tooth to cure the Tooth-Ach. The Dust destroys Fleas, Lice & other Vermine.
4. Greek, Υοδκυαμος. Latin, Petum. Hyoscyamus Peruvianus. Spanish, Petun and tabaco. Italian, . French, Herba de la Roine Mere. German, Indianisch Bundtcraut. Dutch, Taback.

147 Sow Bread. 147c Sow Bread. 147. Sow-bread. Artanita, Cyclamen.

1. The Stalks grow to be six or eight Inches high, the Leaves are a grass Green spotted with white above, & purplish underneath, & the Flowers a pale Red.
2. It is planted here in Gardens, flowring in September and October, its Native Places being the Alps, Austria, & Styria.
3. The Root is very forcing, and usefull to bring away the Birth and Secundines, and provoke the Menses. Some commend the Juice against vertiginous Disorders of ye Head, used in form of an Errkine; it is also good for cutaneous Eruptions.
4. Greek, Κυκλαμινος. Latin, Artanita. Cyclamen. Spanish, Pan de Puerco. Italian, Pan Porcine. French, Cyclamen or Pain Porcin. German, Schweinbrot. Dutch, Darkensbrood.

148 Great Spurge. 148c Great Spurge. 148. The greater Spurge or Palma Christi. Cataputia major & Ricinus.

1. The Plant grows to be Six or Seven Foot high, the Leaves are a fine grass Green; the Flowers are small and staminous of a yellow Colour.
2. It is planted in Gardens, and flowers late in the Summer.
3. The Kernels are used by some to purge watery Humors; but they must be used with great Caution. The Oil express'd from the Seed is good to destroy Lice in Children's Heads.
4. Greek, Κικι ν κροτων. Latin, Ricinus. Spanish, Figueira dell' Inferno. Italian, Mirasole. French, Palma Christi. German, Bunderbaum. Dutch, Donderboom.

A Curious Herbal, Containing Five Hundred Cuts of the Most Useful Plants, Which Are Now Used in the Practice of Physick was written, drawn, engraved and coloured by Elizabeth Blackwell in 1737 (Vol. 1) and 1739 (Vol. 2).