Convallamarin. Convallamarin.

Botanical name: 

Related entries: Convallariae Flores - Convallarinum

C23H44O12 = 512.352.

Convallamarin, C23H44O12, is a glucoside found in Convallaria majalis. It maybe obtained by boiling the entire plant first with water and then with alcohol. The extract thus obtained is freed from resinous bodies by means of lead acetate, filtered, and then precipitated with tannic acid. The tannic acid precipitate is collected and extracted with alcohol, the alcoholic solution treated with lead hydroxide, and the filtrate, after removal of lead by hydrogen sulphide, evaporated. The crude product is purified by repeated precipitation by tannic acid. It occurs as a yellowish-white, crystalline powder, with a bitter taste. It is split up by heating with diluted acids into glucose and convallamaretin. If it be moistened, and then treated with sulphuric acid, a violet colouration is produced, which disappears on the addition of water.

Soluble in water or alcohol, slightly soluble in ether; insoluble in chloroform or amyl alcohol.

Action and Uses.—Convallamarin has a digitalis-like action on the heart and circulation. It is used as a cardiac tonic and diuretic, and has been recommended as more uniform and certain in its action than tincture of convallaria (see Convallariae Flores). It may be administered in pills; or in a solution for hypodermic use containing 10 milligrams (⅙ grain) in 6 decimils (0.6 milliliters) (10 minims). In cases of poisoning by convallamarin, administer emetics, and use the stomach-pump; atropine and the nitrites may prove useful.

Dose.—1 to 9 centigrams (⅙ to 1 ½ grains); subcutaneously, 5 to 20 milligrams (1/12 to ⅓ grain).

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.