Emulsio Olei Morrhuae Composita, B.P.C. Compound Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil.

Botanical name: 

Format explanation

Related entry: Cod-liver oil

Cod-liver Oil 50.00 | 10 fl. ounces
Yolk of Egg, by volume 7.50 | 1 ½ fl. ounces
Tragacanth, in powder 0.25 | 22 grains
Elixir of Gluside 1.04 | 100 minims
Tincture of Benzoin 1.04 | 100 minims
Spirit of Chloroform 3.12 | 300 minims
Oil of Bitter Almond, without Hydrocyanic Acid 0.10 | 10 minims
Distilled Water ... to 100.00 | to 20 fl. ounces

Triturate the tragacanth with a little of the cod-liver oil in a dry mortar; add the previously beaten yolk of egg, and stir briskly, gradually adding 30 (6 fluid ounces) of distilled water as the mixture thickens. When of a suitable consistence, add the remainder of the oil and water alternately, with constant stirring, avoiding frothing. Transfer to a bottle capable of holding one-fourth more than the required volume, add the elixir, tincture, spirit, and oil of bitter almond, previously mixed; shake well, and add distilled water, if necessary, to produce the required volume.
Dose.—8 to 30 mils (2 to 8 fluid drachms).

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.