Extractum Cascarae Liquidum Miscibile, B.P.C. Miscible Liquid Extract of Cascara.

Botanical name: 

Format explanation

Related entries: Cascara

Cascara, in No. 20 powder 100.00 | 20 ounces
Glycerin 20.00 | 4 fl. ounces
Solution of Potassium Hydroxide 16.00 | 3 oz. 96 min.
Distilled Water ... to 100.00 | to 20 fl. ounces

Moisten the drug with 75 (15 fluid ounces) of the water, set the mixture aside for six hours, then exhaust by percolation with distilled water; next add the solution of potassium hydroxide to the percolate, evaporate the mixture on a water-bath until it measures 80 (16 fluid ounces), then add the glycerin and sufficient distilled water, if necessary, to produce 100 (20 fluid ounces). This preparation is an improvement upon, and more active than, so-called tasteless extracts of cascara, which are made by mixing lime or magnesia with the powdered bark before percolation.
Dose.—2 to 4 mils (1, to 1 fluid drachm).

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.