Grindelia. Grindelia robusta.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Grindelia squarrosa

Synonyms—Wild Sunflower, Gum plant.

Fluid Extract of the leaves and flowering tops. Dose one-half to one fluid dram.
Solid Extract. Dose, 5 to 15 grains.
Specific Medicine Grindelia—Dose, from two to ten drops.

Physiological Action—The influence of the agent is exhibited on the heart, at first by a quickened pulse, subsequently by retarding it. It elevates the blood pressure at first, subsequently lowering it. In overdoses it is toxic, the specific influence of the agent on the respiratory nerves being shown by paralysis of the muscles of respiration.

Specific Symptomatology—The agent is specific to asthmatic breathing. It must be given in full and frequent doses, and the effects, although not striking from a single dose, are soon evident and are more or less permanent. It soon relieves the effort of breathing and produces expectoration, but on continued use the entire train of symptom slowly abate, and if persisted in the paroxysms do not soon recur.

Therapy—In spasmodic asthma, pure and simple, with complete relief between attacks, it is not the remedy. It is an excellent antispasmodic expectorant in all chronic spasmodic bronchial coughs, and in chronic bronchitis, Asthmatic bronchitis is often benefited, from the first dose, by its use. In whooping cough it is of value in combination with other more specific agents.

It will relieve the irregular heart action often accompanying chronic coughs, and improve the strength and general character of that organ.

Grindelia has relieved many cases of hay fever and has cured some few, for the time being. In the chronic cough following pneumonia the agent has been used with good results.

As an application to the skin when poisoned by rhus toxicodendron, this agent it; valuable. It acts promptly and satisfactorily.

It is curative also in the bites of insects, quickly antidoting the poisoning.

As applied to old indolent ulcers it has given unusual satisfaction in a few cases, although not often used.

Co-operatives—It may be combined with good results with lobelia, stramonium, drosera, or ipecac, and in some cases for continued use, small doses of the iodide of potassium will act nicely with it.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.