Kino. Pterocarpus marsupium.

Botanical name: 

Part Employed—The juice dried without artificial heat.

Pyrocatechin, kino-tannic acid, kino-red, kinoin.


Tinctura Kino, Tincture of Kino. Dose, from ten to sixty minims.

Physiological Action—This agent produces a slight hardening and mild discoloration of the unbroken skin. Its astringent influence upon mucous membranes is more pronounced. Upon raw surfaces it contracts tissues, checks the flow of blood, coagulates albuminoids, and in some cases produces local irritation. It is positive and immediate in its action upon the mucous structures of the gastro-intestinal tract, acting as a persistent tonic astringent. It is almost entirely devoid of irritating properties.

TherapyKino is less used than formerly. It may be given whenever there is excessive secretion or excretion. In inordinate night sweats, either during convalescence from prostrating disease, or those of phthisis pulmonalis, it is a useful remedy. In the treatment of polyuria, kino is advised as an active agent with which to control the excessive output of water. It is also used in diabetes mellitus, and in protracted watery diarrheas without pain, characterized by relaxation and flabbiness of tissues, and general feebleness. It may be prescribed in the diarrhea of typhoid, also, with good results, especially if hemorrhage be present.

The powder may be blown into the nostrils in epistaxis, and it may be dusted on ulcers and bleeding surfaces. An injection of a strong solution is useful in leucorrhea and in other discharges either of a specific or nonspecific character. It is of some service in pharyngitis, or in elongated uvula, also in simple acute sore throats.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.