

This condition is present only under those circumstances where there is persistent continued inhalation of dust of some form. A deposit takes place in the air cells of the lungs and a low grade of inflammation is induced, with the consequent results of such an inflammation or a chronic form of bronchitis may be induced, or emphysema or necrosis of lung tissues from ulceration.

Symptomatology:—The symptoms are gradual emaciation, a persistent, irritating cough, distress in the chest, with shallow and difficult breathing, ultimately the spitting of blood and an offensive breath. The expectoration, upon careful inspection, will show the presence of particles of dust, in a mucopurulent fluid, tinged with blood.

Diagnosis:—The diagnosis is made from the knowledge of the patient's constant environment and by the exclusion of those causes and associated conditions with the characteristic phenomena of other diseases of the lungs and bronchial tubes.

Treatment:—No specific suggestions can be made as to the medicinal treatment. The patient must be removed entirely from all conditions involved in the production of the disease and the attendant phenomena must be treated symptomatically. Much attention should be paid to building up the system and to the restoration of the normal tone of every function of the body.

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine with especial reference to the Treatment of Disease, 1910, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.