Tricuspid Stenosis.


This condition occurs rarely in any form, but it occurs as often congenitally as in an acquired form. It is most commonly due to an endocarditis, which has attacked both sides of the heart, and is observed conjointly with mitral stenosis.

Etiology:—The acquired form is usually preceded by an attack of rheumatism, and is of most frequent occurrence in males.

Symptomatology:—The first symptoms are those of defective circulation. There is capillary stasis—local venous engorgement—or cyanosis. Dropsy is a common symptom, although it is more apt to be local than general. Other symptoms are similar to those of mitral stenosis.

Diagnosis:—In this condition, while the jugular vein is greatly distended, there is almost an entire absence of venous pulsation. If dropsy occurs early, with the presystolic murmur present, tricuspid stenosis is almost sure to exist.

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine with especial reference to the Treatment of Disease, 1910, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.