Hare's Foot.

Botanical name: 

Plate 25. Lagopus.

A common little plant, singular in the tuft, which contains its seeds, and whence it has its name, but not so much regarded as it ought to be for its virtues. The stalks are numerous, round, slender, and spread upon the ground, each is divided into a number of lesser branches. The leaves are small, oblong, narrow, of a pale green colour, and hairy; and they stand three together, in the manner of trefoils. The flowers are small and of a faint red, they stand several together in a short spike, and the cups which receive them at the base, are downy; this gives the singular aspect of hairiness to these heads, and their softness to the touch.

The whole plant is to be used dried. It is an excellent astringent. It stops the overflowings of the menses and the whites, and is good against bloody fluxes, and purgings of all kinds. The best way of taking it is in a strong decoction, which must be continued some time.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.