The Tacamahac Tree.

Botanical name: 


A large and beautiful tree, native of the East, and of America. It is fifty or sixty feet high. The bark is brown on the trunk, and greyish on the branches. The leaves are large and longish, sharp-pointed, and dentated at the edges; they are of a dusky green on the upper side, and brownish underneath. The flowers are inconsiderable and yellowish. The fruit is small and round. The buds of the tree are very fragrant; a brown kind of resin issues from them, which sticks to the fingers, and this has that pleasant smell.

We use no part of the tree, but a resin which is produced from it. The druggists keep this. It is brown; some of it is in grains, and some in a mass. It is used only externally: a plaister made of it, spread on leather, is applied to the fore head against the head-ach; and to the navel in hysteric cases, but it does not seem to have much efficacy.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.