Wood Sage.

Botanical name: 

(Some Teucriums contain livertoxic neo-clerodane diterpenoids. Their use is discouraged. --Henriette.)

Wood Sage

Teucrium scorodonia. (This Plant is also called Wood Germander.)

Natural Order—Labiatae.

Wood Sage is a common plant in this country, growing on heaths, commons, and in woods. In appearance it much resembles the Garden Sage.

Medicinal Properties: It is an excellent bitter, and, combined with Comfrey and Ragwort, freely influences the bladder.

It is also good for cleansing old sores. If used in the green state with Comfrey and Ragwort, the combination makes an excellent poultice for old wounds or inflammation in any part of the body. These three plants have been known to remove tumours from the hand when regular doctors said there was no cure but the knife. Wood Sage is an appetiser of the first order, and as a tonic will be found equal to Gentian.

Used alone, either in decoction or infusion, one ounce to the pint of water, taken cold in doses of one wineglassful three or four times a day. Is useful for quinsy, sore throat, cold, and fever, kidney and bladder troubles.

Health from British Wild Herbs was written by Richard Lawrence Hool, N.A.M.H., in 1918.