Ad 12: Liquid Rennet, Scientific American.

Ad: Liquid Rennet, Scientific American.

Liquid Rennet
This article coagulates Milk without previous preparation, being most convenient for making JUNKET, or CURDS and WHEY.
This Rennet, made from fresh Calves' Stomachs, is believed to be the best and cheapest in the market, and to give perfect satisfaction to dealers and consumers. Sold by the leading Wholesale Houses in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and by the Manufacturer,
James T. Shinn,


Broad and Spruce Sts.


Scientific American
Established 1846.
The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, discoveries, inventions and patents ever published. Every number illustrated with splendid engravings. This publication, furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity of the Scientific American is such that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price, $3.20 a year. Discount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & CO., Publishers, No. 361 Broadway, N.Y.
Munn & Co. have also had Thirty-Seven Years' practice before the Patent Office, and have prepared more than One Hundred Thousand applications for patents in the United States and foreign countries. Caveates, Trade-Marks, Copyrights, Assignments, and all other papers for securing to inventors their rights in the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany and other foreign countries, perpared at short notice and on reasonable terms.
Information as to obtaining patents cheerfully given without charge. Hand-books of information sent free. Patents obtained through Munn & Co. are noticed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wish to dispose of their patents.
Address MUNN & CO., Office SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 361 Broadway, New York.
This image is an advertisement in the American Journal of Pharmacy, 1884.