Syzygium Jambolanum.

Botanical name: 

Syzygium Jambolanum, De Cand. The fruit of this tree is stated by Banetrala to have been used with good results in glycosuria, causing within 48 hours after its administration a considerable decrease in the amount of urine, and a complete disappearance of sugar. The rind of the fruit is said to contain the active principle ("Rev. de Thérap.;" "Lond. Med. Record").

The medicinal uses of this tree have been briefly referred to in this Journal, 1882, p. 351. Its leaves differ from those of most other myrtles in not being pellucid punctate; they are short petiolate, 3 or 4 inches long, smooth, leathery, varying between oval and obovate-oblong, and between acuminate and very obtuse the West Indian form being rounded at the apex. The flowers are in lateral paniculate cymes, clustered and have the calyx limb truncate or nearly entire. While the ovary is two-celled and multovulate, the berry is one-celled and contains only one or a few seeds. The seed is globular and the embryo consists of two fleshy hemispherical peltate cotyledons, the short radicle being attached to their lower half, and concealed between them.


The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 57, 1885, was edited by John M. Maisch.