Some Straight Suggestions.

Smallpox Pitting can be greatly modified. The exclusion of light is important at first, then a solution of boracic acid should be kept constantly applied. I have applied a heavy ointment to these ulcers which is made of lanolin four parts, by weight, bismuth subnitrate one part, with a little boracic acid added.

Spermatorrhea is usually difficult of cure because the remedy is directed to some imaginary local trouble and not to the central nervous system where the fault usually lies. Cactus in full doses either alone or alternated with staphisagria will be found to so impart tone to the nervous system that the results will be satisfactory.

Ringworm is sometimes difficult of cure. If the entire affected area be painted with a solution of 15 grains of pyrogallic acid in one ounce of collodion a cure will speedily result.

Chronic Albuminuria, because of the draft it makes on the general nutrition of the patient and especially upon the nutrition of the nervous system, is apt to induce the various forms of nervous weakness. Vassalia observed several cases of insanity from this cause.

Lumbago and Sciatica have more recently been treated with guarana. Those forms which come on suddenly and are cramp like in character are said to be quickly influenced by this agent. Fifteen years ago guarana was brought forward as a specific for headache and I am sure there were some severe cases which were materially benefited by it. The remedy was dropped before its exact place was determined. If any of our readers have had success with it I should like to hear from them.

Diarrhea in infancy should seldom, if ever, be treated with astringents. If there are large watery discharges with flocculent greenish particles and a strong odor, arsenite of copper is the remedy. If the stools are clay colored phosphate of soda is the remedy. If the tongue is dark red, thin and pointed, hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is the remedy. If there is much irritation of the mucous lining of the intestinal tract with fever small doses of aconite and ipecac are indicated.

Uterine Disease was treated by Bartholow with barium chlorid. He used it where the arterial tension was high and where there was more or less chronic congestion. Other observers have used it in subinvolution and combines with ergot or other indicated remedies in other forms of hypertrophy. 1/12 of a grain is the dose. He used it successfully in abdominal aneurism.

Carcinoma was treated by Wolfert with the tincture of cantharides. The remedy was given internally in three-drop doses. In several cases so treated the condition disappeared, or when the remedy was given after operation there was no return of growth.

Palpitation may be relieved, says a foreign authority, by bending downward, double, with the arms pendant. This produces a temporary congestion of the head and neck. In cases of nervous and anemic palpitation, the heart will immediately resume normal action. If the patient should hold his breath as long as possible the effect will be more prompt.

Biliary Colic was treated by Sticker of Cologne with large doses of belladonna. He claimed that it produced a paralyzing effect upon the circular muscular fibres of the ductus choledochus.

Locomotor Ataxia in the incipient stage was cured by Dr. Chavette with the free use of phosphorus in conjunction with the tincture of calibar bean. He used also active counter irritation over the spine. The tincture of phosphorus or specific phosphorus should be used.

Varicose Ulcers of a sluggish character surrounded with a bluish areola with perhaps an ichorous discharge with brownish colored granulations which bleed easily, have been cured by giving five drops of the tincture of carduus marianus, three times each day.

Chorea is frequently difficult of cure. Arsenic is the most common remedy used. I have used exalgin in some cases, usually with excellent results. It must be given with caution or it will surely increase the anemia. I have begun with half grain doses four times each day for children under twelve years old, slowly increasing until improvement was apparent, up to a grain and one-half or two grains. Usually our safer remedies will be equally satisfactory.

Cough of a hacking character, dry, irritating and persistent, is permanently relieved by small doses of bryonia. In some long standing cases of chronic bronchitis, where chronic congestion was present with this cough, I have combined this remedy with belladonna, in small frequently repeated doses, with perfect results. Where the secretions are very dry the patient may dissolve in the mouth a square of loaf sugar on which five drops of turpentine have been dropped.

Pain from Uterine Cancers has been controlled with corn ergot. This remedy acts also in preventing excessive hemorrhage. It has been neglected, as it deserves careful study.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.