Muscular Stiffness; Headache

Muscular Stiffness


I would like to suggest to Dr. Louis H. Freedman that he try Lloyd's libradol in his case of poliomyelitis; not as a plaster, but by having it thoroughly rubbed into the stiff members at night. I have seen it induce sleep like a narcotic, and give permanent relief in several cases of rheumatic stiffness, and especially in lumbago. Of course care must be had as to its nauseating quality —but I have made six nightly applications in one case of stiffness and pain in back and legs without trouble and there was refreshing sleep without other medicine. It possesses the advantage over antiphlogistine that it can be rubbed in, as I think the massage helps.


Related entries: Headache: ElTh-links

I was very much interested in the article on headaches in the August number and would like to add my mite. A man whose wife I was treating, asked if I could not cure the pain in the back of his head. He said he had tried every doctor in town, but continued to waken in agony at 5 a. m. I was puzzled as I knew everything usual had been tried, so I wrote to my father, Dr. H. P. Whitford, of N. Y., whose forty years' experience I felt sure would help me; and so it did. He prescribed:

Spec. Podophyllin dr. ½
Spec iris versi. dr. ½
Spec. Hyoscyamus dr. ⅛
Alcohol q. s. oz. ⅛

Sig.: 10 drops every 15 minutes till four doses were taken, then every hour while the pain lasted, and four doses 15 minutes apart before going to bed. The patient arose next morning without pain and had only one recurrence within a year.

I then had moved from that town, and his wife wrote me that Mr. R. was suffering intense pain in the back of the eyeballs, that he had been to the oculist and had glasses fitted but obtained no relief and she feared he would go insane with the pain and fear of blindness. I wrote her to try the old prescription, and in two days she wrote me that her husband began to mend from the first dose and had no use for glasses.

May it not be possible that many cases of so-called eye strain are due to systemic perversion?

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.