Treatment of Tonsillitis.

I have been noting with great interest the different treatments recommended for tonsillitis in the past several numbers of THE THERAPEUTIST and wish to give one which has served me so well for the past ten years, and has won for me more good families than anything I know to attribute my practice of today too. This treatment has a tendency to overcome the predisposition to future attacks. When I first came here people were used to having their throats lanced and were laboring under the impression that there was not anything else for them to do only let the throat go and burst of its own accord, or send for the doctor to open it. I have changed this idea with most of them now.

I first make application to the tonsils of fl. gum guaiac and give internally the following:

Sp. m. phytolacca dr. ½
Sp. m. echinacea dr. 2
Baryta carb. 3x gr. 32
Glycerin oz. 1
Aqua q. s. oz. 6

Misce et sig.: Teaspoonful every hour. Calcium sulphide ix. Sig.: One grain every two hours in between other medicine. In the follicular form or diphtheric I use mere. iodid 2x, one grain every two hours with the calc. sulph. if the tongue has a yellow coating, if it is bluish like in form I substitute lachesis 6x in the same size dose. These are the only cases where I use a local application, and then only with an atomizer.

With this treatment I have been able to relieve all of my cases in twelve to seventy-two hours without lancing or allowing the tonsils to burst.


Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 3, 1909, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.