March 1909.

Single Truths from Many Doctors and Many Truths for Each Doctor


A Journal of Specific Medicine Presenting the most Direct Patent Positive Practical Rational TRUTHS Known to the Profession To-day




Subscription Price $1.00 per Year in Advance

Ellingwood's Therapeutist

Finley Ellingwood M.D.

Editor and Publisher

100 State St., Chicago

Vol. 3, No. 3 * March 15, 1909

Our Motto

To learn the Truth. To Prove the Truth.

To Apply the Truth. To Spread the Truth.

Our Creed

The truth from all, for all, and to all, without regard to the creed of the individual.

Our Faith

That all disease will ultimately be subdued, in whole or in part, by remedial measures;

That failure to cure disease is due to our lack of knowledge;

That Therapeutic nihilism is the deadly foe to Therapeutic progress;

That the study of the clinical action of the single drug is the true method of drug study;

That each drug acts directly and invariably upon one or more exact conditions of disease, and must be so studied and known;

That with such knowledge perfected, we can immediately and successfully prescribe for conditions of disease, with which we have not previously met.

Vol. 3, No. 3, Front page.

Leading Articles
Crataegus oxyacantha - A. W. Jernigan
Bell's Paralysis: A Complicated Case - V. A. Baker
Lobelia Hypodermically - Margareta Wilkenloh
Whisky (?) and Chloroform in Congestive Chills - A. C. Hewett
Lobelia inflata - W. Leming
Pruritus Hiemalis - Daniel G. Lass
Echafolta in Renal Hemorrhage - M. F. Hall
Ichthyol to Restrict Suppuration - W. L. Langford
Tuberculosis - W. L. Langford
Triticum Repens - J. M. French
An Antidote to Malarial and Yellow Fever Infection
Improvement in Method
Inversion in Chloroform Asphyxiation
A Lithemic Case
A Combination of Gelsemium and Morphine
Diagnosis or Therapeutics
Therapeutic Facts
Local Treatment of Hemorrhoids
Pain and Smothering the Heart
The Throat Tickling
Herpes Zoster
Abortion of Pneumonia
Some Clinical Suggestions
My First Use of Lobelia Hypodermically
Spasms of the Glottis
Powder Marks
To Stiffen Surgical Dressings
Kava Kava for Pruritus
Cold Extremities
Points in Diagnosis
The Symptomatology and Diagnosis of the Enlarged Prostate
Diagnosis of Scrotal Tumors
A League for Drug Research
Obstretical Training and Obstretical Methods
Ustilago Maydis
Burdock Seed in Uterine Disorders
Some General Suggestions
Treatment of Albuminuria of Pregnancy
On the Use of Mercury
Cimicifuga racemosa in Pleurisy and Rheumatism
The Baneful Influence of Tobacco
Choice Gleanings
Diet in Typhoid Fever
Avena sativa
Scutellaria laterifolia
Olive Oil in the Diseases of the Stomach
Words of Wisdom
Atropine as a Hemostatic

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 3, 1909, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.