Glyceritum Tragacanthae (N. F.)—Glycerite of Tragacanth.

Related entry: Tragacantha (U. S. P.)—Tragacanth

Preparation.Formulary number, 189: "Tragacanth, in fine powder, one hundred and twenty-five grammes (125 Gm.) [4 oz. av., 179 grs.]; glycerin, seven hundred and seventy-five cubic centimeters (775 Cc.) 126 fl , 99♏︎]; water, one hundred and eighty-five cubic centimeters (185 Cc.) [6 fl℥, 123♏︎]. Triturate the tragacanth with the glycerin in a mortar, add the water, and continue the trituration, until a homogeneous, thick paste results."

Note.—"The Glycerinum Tragacanthae of the Br. Pharm. (1885) is prepared by mixing 3 troy ounces of tragacanth with 12 fluid ounces of glycerin in a mortar, adding 2 fluid ounces of water, and triturating until a translucent, homogeneous jelly is formed.

"Mucilago Tragacanthae of the U. S. P. (1890) is made by mixing 18 grammes of glycerin with 75 cubic centimeters of water, heating the mixture to boiling, adding 6 grammes of tragacanth, macerating for 24 hours, and then adding water to make 100 grammes, heating it to a uniform consistence, and straining.

"Unguentum Glycerini of the Ger. Pharm. is prepared by triturating 1 part of powdered tragacanth with 5 parts (by weight) of alcohol (of about 91 per cent), then adding 50 parts of glycerin, and heating on a steam-bath"—(Nat. Form.).

Uses.—This jelly-like mass is used chiefly as a pill excipient.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.