Pilulae Colocynthidis Compositae (N. F.)—Compound Pills of Colocynth.

Related entry: Colocynthis (U. S. P.)—Colocynth

SYNONYMS: Pilulae cocciae, Cochia pills.

Preparation.—"Extract of colocynth (U. S. P.), one and one-tenth grammes (1.1 Gm.) [17 grs.]; purified aloes (U. S. P.), thirteen grammes (13 Gm.) [200 grs.]; resin of scammony (U. S. P.), thirteen grammes (13 Gm.) [200 grs.]; oil of cloves, one and one-half cubic centimeters (1.5 Cc.) [25♏︎]. To make 100 pills. Each pill contains ⅙ grain of extract of colocynth, 2 grains of aloes, 2 grains of scammony, and ¼ minim of oil of. cloves (see Pilulae, N. F.). Note.—The Pilula Colocynthidis Composita of the British Pharmacopoeia, for which the above is an equivalent, is prepared with colocynth pulp, and contains potassium sulphate, which was originally added as an aid to reduce the ingredients to powder. With the use of extract of colocynth this becomes unnecessary. The British Pharmacopoeia directs the above to be kept as a pill mass, to be made into pills of such weight as may be prescribed. When such specification is omitted, it is recommended to dispense pills containing the quantities above directed." Adapted from Nat. Form.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—This pill is employed as a purgative. Dose, 1 to 2 pills.

Related Pills.—PILULAE COLOCYNTHIDIS ET HYOSCYAMI (N. F.), Pills of colocynth and hyoscyamus. "Extract of colocynth (U. S. P.), sixty-five centigrammes (0.65 Gm.) [10 grs.]; purified aloes (U. S. P.), nine and seven-tenths grammes (9.7 Gm.) [150 grs.]; resin of scammony (U.S. P.), nine and seven-tenths grammes (9.7 Gm.) [150 grs.]; oil of cloves, one cubic centimeter (1 Cc.) [17♏︎]; extract of hyoscyamus (U. S. P.), nine and seven-tenths grammes (9.7 Gm.) [150 grs.). To make 100 pills. Each pill contains 1/10 grain of extract of colocynth, 1 ½ grains of aloes, 1 ½ grains of scammony, ⅙ minim of oil of cloves, and 1 ½ grains of extract of hyoscyamus (see Pilulae, N. F.). Note.—The Pilula Colocynthidis et Hyoscyami of the British Pharmacopoeia is directed to be made by mixing 2 parts of compound pill of colocynth (F. 298), with 1 part of extract of hyoscyamus, and is directed to be kept as a pill mass, to be made into pills of such weight as may be directed. When such specification is omitted, it is recommended to dispense pills containing the quantities above directed." Adapted from Nat. Form.

PILULAE COLOCYNTHIDIS ET PODOPHYLLI (N. F.), Pills of colocynth and podophyllum.—"Compound extract of colocynth (U. S. P.), sixteen and two-tenths grammes (16.2 Gm.) [250 grs.]; resin of podophyllum (U. S. P.), one and six-tenths grammes (1.6 Gm.) [25 grs.]. To make 100 pills. Each pill contains 2 ½ grains of extract of colocynth, and ¼ grain of resin of podophyllum" (see Pilulae, N. F.). Adapted front Nat. Form.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.