Aqua Aurantii Florum Fortior (U. S. P.)—Stronger Orange Flower Water.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Aurantii Flores—Orange Flowers - Orange Flower Water

SYNONYMS: Aqua aurantii florum (Pharm. 1880), Triple orange flower water.

Source, History, and Tests.—"Water saturated with the volatile oil of fresh orange flowers, obtained as a by-product in the distillation of the oil of orange flowers. It should be kept in loosely-stoppered bottles, in a dark place. Stronger orange flower water should be neutral to litmus paper, and possess a strong odor of fresh orange flowers. It should be colorless and clear, or only faintly opalescent, not mucilaginous, and give no reaction with hydrogen sulphide T.S. or ammonium sulphide T.S. (absence of metallic impurities)—"(U. S. P.).

Eau de fleurs d'Oranger, of the French, was prepared by taking orange flowers, 10 parts, and water, 30 parts, and distilling therefrom 20 parts. If in this manner 2 pounds of orange flower water are obtained from each pound of flowers employed, the product is called double orange flower water; if pound for pound is obtained, it is quadruple orange flower water; if 3 pounds are obtained from 2 pounds of flowers, it is triple orange flower water; if the double be cut with an equal amount of water it produces simple orange flower water (Jourdan, Pharmacopés Universelle, 1840).

Description and Uses.—Orange flower water (distilled) is a clear, colorless, and agreeably aromatic liquid, having an odor and taste distinct from that prepared from oil of neroli (oil of orange flowers). It may be faintly opalescent. A mucilaginous material sometimes separates from the commercial water, which may be removed by filtration, after being previously agitated with pulverized kaolin. Should it become acid in reaction, distilling from magnesia will restore it to its normal condition. It is used in preparing Aqua Aurantii Florum.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.