Oleoresina Cubebae (U. S. P.)—Oleoresin of Cubeb.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Cubeba (U. S. P.)—Cubeb

Preparation.—"Take of cubeb, in No. 30 powder, five hundred grammes (500 Gm.) [1 lb. av., 1 oz., 279 grs.]; ether, a sufficient quantity. Put the cubeb into a cylindrical glass percolator, provided with a stop-cock, and arranged with cover and receptacle suitable for volatile liquids. Press the drug firmly, and percolate slowly with ether, added in successive portions, until the drug is exhausted. Recover the greater part of the ether from the percolate by distillation on a water-bath, and, having transferred the residue to a capsule, allow the remaining ether to evaporate spontaneously. Keep the product in a well-stoppered bottle. Note.—Oleoresin of cubeb deposits after standing for some time, a waxy and crystalline matter, which should be rejected, only the liquid portion being used"—(U. S. P.).

Description.—This oleoresin is of a deep brownish-green, or bright green color, according to the amount of chlorophyll present in the cubebs. It contains active resins (cubeb resin and cubebic acid; see Cubeba) and volatile and fixed oils, its relative fluidity depending on the quantity of the oil present. Cubebin and waxy matter are also present, and will deposit on standing. These should be separated by decantation, as their presence adds nothing of special value to the preparation.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—(See Cubeba.) Dose, 1 to 30 minims, in capsule or on sugar.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.