Leptandra Virginica.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—Veronicastrum virginicum, Leptandra; Culver's Root; Veronica Virginica.
P. E.—Small roots.
N. O.—Scrophulariaceae.
N. H.—United States and Canada.

Properties: Tonic, laxative, cathartic and cholagogue.

Indications: Malaise, soreness on pressure and fullness in the region of the liver. Inactivity of the gastrointestinal organs, torpid liver, constipation, dull headache, loss of appetite, cold skin and extremities, mental depression and great lassitude. All of which indicate deficiency in the action of the liver and gastro-intestinal tract. It tones up these organs and improves their function. We think of it in malarial conditions, in which cases it stimulates the secretion of bile and improves the function of the liver. We think of it in remittent and intermittent fevers, and if given with quinine the affect of the latter is much more marked. It tones up the gastrointestinal tract, increases the activity of the glandular organs, is therefore indicated where there is inactivity or torpidity of these organs.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.