
Botanical name: 

Chief Preparations.

Tinctura Ferri Chloridi, Tincture of Ferric Chloride,—contains about 13 ½ per cent. of the anhydrous salt, with some free HCl. Dose, ♏︎v-xxx, well diluted. Is one of the best preparations of iron.
Liquor Ferri et Ammonii Acetatis, Solution of Iron and Ammonium Acetate, Basham's Mixture,—Dose ℥ss well diluted.
Massa Ferri Carbonatis, Mass of Ferrous Carbonate, Vallet's Mass,—one of the most efficient preparations. Dose, gr. j-v, in pill, after food.
Ferri Sulphas Exciccatus, Dried Ferrous Sulphate,—gr. ss-ij, in pill.
Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis, Solution of Ferric Subsulphate, Monsel's Solution. Used as a styptic. Dose, ♏︎iij-x, well diluted.
Syrupus Ferri Iodidi, Syrup of Ferrous Iodide,—Dose, ♏︎v-xl, well diluted and taken through a quill or a glass tube.
Ferrum Reductum, Reduced Iron,—Dose, gr. ss-ij or v, after meals.
Ferri Oxidum Hydratum, Hydrated Oxide of Iron, Ferric Hydrate,—a soft magma, only used as an antidote to Arsenic. Prepared by adding 100 parts of the Solution of Ferric Sulphate to 110 parts of Aqua Ammoniae, and Water to 250. Dose, ʒj. in water, frequently repeated.
*Ferrum Dialysatum, Dialysed Iron. Is highly praised by many physicians, and unqualifiedly condemned by many others. Dose, ♏︎x-ʒss.
*Ferri Albuminas, Albuminate of Iron,—a cinnamon-brown powder, soluble in water slightly acidulated with HCl. Dose, gr. x-xl, in simple aqueous solution, or in pill.

Incompatibles, are Acids, Acidulous salts, Alkalies and their Carbonates, Tannic and Gallic Acids and all Vegetable Astringents, hence the Bitters, except Calumba, Quassia, Chiretta, and Gentian, which contain no tannin. The Tincture of the Chloride is decomposed by the Alkalies, Alkaline earths and their Carbonates, Astringent Vegetable infusions, and Mucilage of Acacia.

Physiological Action. Iron is present in the blood (1 part to 230 of red corpuscles), also in the bile, lymph, gastric juice, etc. Given medicinally, in small doses, it improves the blood, increasing the number of the red corpuscles, and promoting the appetite and digestion. In large doses, nausea and vomiting are produced by the soluble preparations; the Iodide, Chloride, Nitrate and Sulphate being active irritant poisons. Nearly all the preparations are more or less astringent, and act injuriously on the teeth. Only a small portion is absorbed, the rest being eliminated by the intestinal canal, blackening the faeces by conversion into tannates and sulphides. The Tincture of the Chloride is diuretic.

Therapeutics. The chief indication for Iron is anaemia; when plethora exists it is contra-indicated. It should be given after meals, and occasionally suspended for a time, to avoid deranging the digestion.
Pseudo-Leucocythaemia is much benefited by chalybeates.
Syphilitic Cachexia is greatly influenced by the Iodide of Iron.
Acute Rheumatism, in anaemic subjects only; in them highly useful.
Chorea, of anaemic girls, about the age of puberty,—with purgatives.
Neuralgia, of the anaemic,—large doses of the Tincture of the Chloride.
Cardiac Disorders, fatty heart, weak heart, dilatation, mitral disease.
Nocturnal Incontinence of Urine in delicate children,—the Syrup of the Iodide, ♏︎xv-xx ter die, has given excellent results.
Menstrual Disorders, due to anaemia, especially amenorrhoea.
Hemorrhages, of every form,— Monsel's Solution, locally.
Chronic Bright's Disease, the Tinct. Ferri Chlor. as a chalybeate diuretic.
Erysipelas, half-drachm doses of the Tinct. Ferri Chlor. every four hours in very many cases controls the disease; how is not known.
To promote Appetite and Digestion,— the Sulphate in pill, or the official Pil. Aloes et Ferri, will generally give satisfaction.
Diphtheria,—the Tincture of the Chloride in full doses, has a well-established reputation in this disease.

A Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing, 1902, by Sam'l O. L. Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L.