

Mangani Dioxidum, Manganese Dioxide,—Dose, gr. ij-x.
Mangani Sulphas, is freely soluble in water, and of bad taste. Dose, gr. ij-v.
Potassii Permanganas, Potassium Permanganate,—should not be triturated nor combined in solution with organic or readily oxidizable substances. Dose, gr. ss-ij, in pill or distilled water.
*Syrupus Ferri et Mangani Iodidi,—Dose, ♏︎x-xxx. See U. S. Disp., p. 1527.
*Ferri et Mangani Carbonas Saccharatus,— Dose, gr. v-xx. It is a tasteless, reddish brown powder. For its formula see the U. S. Disp., page 1683.

Physiological Action. The salts of Manganese in small doses improve the appetite and digestion, increase arterial tension, and stimulate the action of the heart. In larger doses they lower the heart's action, paralyze the muscular system, especially the muscular coat of the arteries, causing progressive wasting, paraplegia, and acute fatty degeneration of the liver. They are gastro-intestinal irritants, have specific excitant action on the uterus, and the sulphate is a decided cholagogue. Manganese is closely associated with Iron in the blood, bile, etc., in the proportion of about 1 to 20.

Therapeutics. Manganese is prescribed in—
Anaemia and Chlorosis,—in combination with Ferric preparations.
Cachexiae of various kinds,—the Syrup of Iron and Mang. Iodide.
Hepatic Disorders, and catarrh of the bile ducts,—the Sulphate.
Chronic Skin Diseases,—the Dioxide as an ointment.
Gastrodynia and Pyrosis,—the Dioxide in doses of gr. x-xv.
Amenorrhaea, and other menstrual derangements,—the Dioxide, in freshly made pills of 2 grains each, of which 1-5 pills may be taken thrice daily.

Uses of Potassium Permanganate. As an antiseptic and oxidizing agent it is used in diphtheria, scarlatina, septicaemia, etc., and is given with benefit in dyspepsia, lithaemia and obesity. Locally it is employed as a deodorizer in cancer, ozaena, otorrhoea, foul breath, and fetid perspiration of the feet, in solutions of j to the pint. It is considered a very efficient emmenagogue by many authorities, and is employed in amenorrhoea, and other derangements of the menstrual function. When used internally it must be instantly decomposed in the stomach, and cannot be absorbed in its own form. It has recently come into prominence as an antidote to Morphine and Strychnine in the stomach.

A Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing, 1902, by Sam'l O. L. Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L.