Sulphur, Sulphites, Sulphides.

Other tomes: Petersen (Sulphur) - Petersen (Calcium sulphide)


Sulphur Lotum, Washed Sulphur. Dose, gr. x-ʒj, in syrup, as a laxative.
Acidum Sulphurosum, Sulphurous Acid,—contains 6.4 per cent, of Sulphurous Acid Gas. Dose, ♏︎v-ʒj, largely diluted with water.
Acidum Sulphuricum,—Described under Mineral Acids, ante, p. 50.
Sodii Sulphis, Sodium Sulphite,—Dose, gr. j-iij, in water.
Sodii Hyposulphis, Sodium Hyposulphite,—Dose, gr. v-xx.
Calx Sulphurata, Sulphurated Lime, commonly misnamed Sulphide of Calcium,—a grayish-white powder, of foul odor and very insoluble; is a mixture of CaS, CaSO4 and C. Best given in trituration with sugar of milk, and in dose of gr. 1/10-j.
Pulvis Glycyrrhizae Compositus,—contains 8 per cent, of Sulphur Lotum. See under Purgatives. Dose, ʒj, as a laxative.
*Ichthyol, Ammonium Sulpho-ichthyolate,—is obtained by the distillation of bituminous rocks from the Tyrol , and regarded as the residue of extinct fishes. It contains Sulphur in the proportion of about 10 per cent., is soluble in a mixture of Ether and Alcohol, mixes with vaseline, oils and lard, and is non-irritant to the skin. For local use, in a 10 to 20 per cent. ointment. Dose, internally, gr. v-xxx.

Physiological Action. Sulphur is a very mild laxative. It is dissolved by alkaline solutions and oils, hence is absorbed from the small intestine, entering the blood, and discoloring silver coins carried by those using it, by forming a sulphide of silver. Sulphurous Acid has great affinity for oxygen, and is a powerful disinfectant and deodorizer, and destructive to all low life. Its gas inhaled is irritant to the glottis, causing inflammation of the passages. The Sulphites and Hyposulphites are partly decomposed by the acid of the stomach, sulphurous acid being given off, and the balance converted into sulphates amid absorbed, undergoing elimination as sulphates by the kidneys. The Sulphides also are partly converted into sulphates. They are irritant to the stomach, etc., extremely nauseous in taste and smell, increase the secretion of the intestinal glands, and are laxative, if administered for some time they impair the blood, and cause emaciation, anaemia, trembling and great debility. Ichthyol, in one case, where a 20 per cent. ointment was applied to an eczema infantile, produced a stupor which continued 12 hours, but from which the child made a complete recovery.

Therapeutics. Sulphur is used as a laxative when the stools need softening on account of hemorrhoids and fissure, etc. In—
Chronic Rheumatism and Sciatica,—Sulphur has some repute.
Scabies,—Sulphur locally as a parasiticide; or a solution of Sodium Sulphite in water, ʒss ad ℥j, as a bath or wash.
Chronic Bronchitis, with bronchorrhoea,—Sulphurous Acid as spray.
Acidity, Pyrosis, and Acid Indigestion,—Sulphurous Acid, ♏︎v, diluted.
Chilblains,—Sulphurous Acid with Glycerin, is a good application.
Gangrenous Wounds,—Sulphurous Acid the best antiseptic application.
Constipation,—the Blue Lick Water, Oj before breakfast; or the Sulphides.
Lead Poisonings,—Sulphur baths to favor the elimination of the metal.
Suppuration,—may be prevented or at least limited, by Calx Sulphurata internally, in small doses, gr. 1/5 hourly. For crops of boils, scrofulous sores, glandular enlargements, acne, and suppuration, this remedy proves efficient.
Skin Diseases,—Sulphur baths are very useful, especially in pityriasis, prurigo, chronic psoriasis and eczema. In the two last-named diseases Unna employs Ichthyol in ointment with excellent results.

A Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing, 1902, by Sam'l O. L. Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L.