29. Terebinthina canadensis.—Canada Turpentine.

Botanical name: 

Canada Balsam. Balsam of Fir.

A liquid oleoresin obtained from A'bies balsam'ea Linné

HABITAT.—Canada, Nova Scotia, Maine, and the mountainous regions further south.

PRODUCTION.—The oleoresin is secreted in small vesicles in the bark, collected by puncturing and allowing the liquid to exude into a vessel having a broad and funnel-like lip. The vesicles contain only from a few minims to 1 fluid drachm.

DESCRIPTION OF DRUG.—A yellowish or faintly greenish, transparent liquid of honey-like consistence, becoming thicker and somewhat darker with age, but always retaining its transparency, and ultimately drying into a transparent mass; it has an agreeable, aromatic, terebinthinate odor, and a bitterish, feebly acrid, but not disagreeable taste, for which reason it is sometimes erroneously called balm of Gilead (98).

ACTION AND USES.-It has medical properties similar to the other turpentines and copaiba, but is rarely employed as a remedial agent. It is most valued for mounting microscopic objects, for which its beautiful and durable, uncrystalline transparency peculiarly fits it.


A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917, was written by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M.