140. Pulsatilla, N.F.—Pasque Flower.

Fig. 74. Anemone pratensis. 140. PULSATILLA, N.F.—PASQUE FLOWER. The herb of Anem'one pulsatil'la and of Anemone praten'sis Linné, collected soon after flowering. Off. U.S.P. 1890. The drug never comes into the market in a condition in which the leaf or other parts are readily recognizable, as they are most always broken or compressed. The U.S.P. 1890, directed that the herb should be carefully preserved, and not kept longer than one year. Even the drying of the plant is said to render the drug unreliable. Constituents: A peculiar acrid crystallizable principle exists in the plant known as anemonin (C10H8O4) an acrid, unstable principle not well understood. Some authorities state that it undergoes decomposition after its solution, under conditions that are not precisely known, into anemonic acid (C10H10O5) and anemoninic acid (C10H18O6), etc.; others state that it is a volatile, fluid, acrid principle, very susceptible of decomposition.

Preparation of Anemonin.—If aqueous distillate be treated with chloroform, the latter, on evaporation, yields a residue-anemonin. Dose: 1 ½ to 3 gr. (0.1 to 0.2 gm.).

Diuretic, diaphoretic, mydriatic, irritant. The action of pulsatilla is said to resemble aconite as a cardiac sedative. One author says it is equivalent to senega in convulsive coughs and in bronchitis. The recent tincture, in 5-drop doses (made according to the formula of the tincture of recent herbs, U.S.P. 1890, is highly esteemed by some practitioners. The drug is not infrequently classed among the most useful emmenagogues. Dose: 1 to 5 gr. (0.065 to 0.3 Gm.).

A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917, was written by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M.