478. Scutellaria, N.F.—Skullcap.

The dried plant of Scutella'ria lateriflo'ra Linné.

DESCRIPTION.—Leaves 2 inches (50 mm.) long, somewhat ovate, serrate; stem smooth and branched; corolla pale blue; odor slight, taste bitterish. The other species of Scutellaria are sometimes collected as S. integrifolia, S. pilosa, and S. galericulata.

CONSTITUENTS.—A bitter crystalline glucoside, trace of volatile oil, tannin.

ACTION AND USES.—Tonic and antispasmodic. Dose: 30 to 60 gr. (2 to 4 Gm.), in infusion or fl'ext.

Fluidextractum Scutellariae Dose: 30 to 60 drops (2 to 4 mils) .

A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917, was written by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M.