
Botanical name: 

The herb of Chimaphila umbellata.

Preparations.— A decoction. Tincture of Chimaphila.

Dose.—Of the decoction ℥j. Of the tincture gtt. x. to ʒj.

Therapeutic Action.—Chimaphila is diuretic, tonic, astringent and diaphoretic, and said by some authors to be alterative. It exercises a specific influence over the urinary apparatus, increasing the renal secretion, and at the same time it is thought by some to lessen the quantity of lithic acid or lithates secreted. It is especially serviceable in chronic diseases of the genito-urinary mucous membrane, as in chronic catarrhal affections of the bladder, chronic nephritis, or urethritis attended with purulent or profuse mucous discharge. It is also beneficial in calculous and prostatic affections, diabetes, in the advanced stages nf albuminuria, and in other disorders of the urinary organs attended with local debility, or chronic irritation or inflammation. Its utility in the affections named, may undoubtedly be ascribed in part to its astringent and alterative action, and in part to its diuretic and tonic properties.

Chimaphilin, the concentrated principle of the Chimaphila umbellate, is a light yellowish-brown powder, having a faint, not disagreeable odor, and a feeble taste. It is mildly diuretic, and is especially indicated where there is debility of the urinary organs, and a tonic is desirable. As an alterative it is highly recommended by some in the treatment of scrofula. It is also said to be no efficient remedy in the treatment of chronic rheumatism. Dose grs. ij. to grs. v.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.