
Botanical name: 

The oleo-resin of Copaifera officinalis.—South America.

Dose.—Of Copaiba from gtt. xx. to ʒj. or more, three times a day, in capsules. This is said to be the most efficacious way to exhibit it in urinary diseases.

Therapeutic Action.—Copaiba is diuretic, stimulant, laxative and emetic. In small doses it acts as a special stimulant to the mucous surfaces, causing a sensation of warmth in the stomach, eructations, and often from its nauseous taste nausea and vomiting; by its continued use the appetite is impaired and the digestive functions disordered. From the absorption of the balsam or its oil, a stimulant action is exerted upon all the secretory organs, the mucous membranes and urino-genital organs in particular. The oil escapes in part by the pulmonary exhalation, as is perceived by the breath. It increases the renal secretion, and manifests its presence in the urine by its balsamic odor, bitter taste, and change of color. It excites a sensation of warmth and tickling in the urethra, and sometimes an irritation of the testicles. It also excites the pulmonary and gastro-intestinal mucous membranes, and sometimes occasions a scarlet colored eruption on the surface.

The diseases in which the Copaiba is found to be the most useful, are those affecting mucous surfaces, especially the urino-genital mucous membrane. It is a common remedy in gonorrhoea. In that disease some administer it in the first stages, in order to arrest the disease, while others wait until the acute inflammatory symptoms subside.

Leucorrhoea is another of the diseases affecting mucous surfaces, in which this remedy has obtained considerable repute. We have employed the solidified Copaiba and powdered cantharides, in the form of pills, with much apparent benefit. In chronic bronchitis, occurring in old or debilitated persons, and attended with profuse secretion, Copaiba has afforded much relief. In chronic diarrhoea or dysentery, attended with mucous dischargee, especially when symptoms of ulceration exist, it has been found beneficial, and is highly recommended.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.