
Botanical name: 

The root and seeds of Onosmodium hispidum.—U.S.

Dose.—It is employed principally in the form of an infusion, half an ounce of the bruised seeds, or one ounce of the root, to a pint of boiling water. Dose two to four ounces, every three or four hours.

Therapeutic Action.—Onosmodium is diuretic, and reputed lithontriptic. The roots, tops and seeds of this plant have the reputation of exciting the kidneys to increased action in a powerful manner, greatly increasing the quantity of urine excreted. The seeds act promptly, an increased flow of urine soon following their exhibition, as is also the case, as is said, with the roots and tops. It has been reputed a useful remedy in dropsy, and we would suppose from its hydragogue action upon the kidneys, that it would be found useful in this disease. In chronic irritation and inflammation of the urinary organs, and especially in irritation of the bladder, caused by the presence of calculi, the mildness of its action renders it highly serviceable. It is also reported as highly beneficial in suppression of urine and strangury.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.