Potassii Ferrocyanuretum.

Dose.—One-half ounce dissolved in four ounces of water; one teaspoonful every three hours.

Therapeutic Action.—The prussiate of potash is sedative, but of little activity, rarely used in medicine. Dr. Smart, of Maine, however, considered it a valuable sedative in febrile and inflammatory diseases, and thinks it astringent and useful in the colliquative sweats of phthisis; he also says it produces ptyalism. The same writer has found it useful in neuralgia and pertussis. In over-doses it produces giddiness, coldness and numbness, with a sense of sinking in the epigastric region. It is to be recommended in ovarian irritation, and in hyperaesthesia of the reproductive organs at the menopause.

In chronic disease where there is marked irritability of the nervous system, with frequency of pulse, we will find it an excellent remedy. It lessens irritation of the nervous system, and acts as a special sedative to the circulation. In chronic disease of the reproductive organs in women, with hysterical manifestations, it exerts a direct and marked influence—so in hypochondriacal affections in the male.

It exerts a decided influence upon mucous membranes. When they are pallid, lax, and give increased secretion, the prussiate of potash may be used with advantage. It makes little difference, whether of nose, throat, bronchial tubes, intestinal mucous membrane, or chronic vaginitis with leucorrhoea, the influence is the same.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.