Chimaphilla Umbellata. (Pipsissewa.)

Botanical name: 

The Chimaphilla has been used mostly in infusion or decoction: but for general use it may be prepared in the form of tincture, both of the recent and the dried leaves—though they will differ materially in strength and properties—the fresh leaves possessing a volatile principle which is lost in drying.

The Chimaphilla has been principally employed as a tonic diuretic, influencing the urinary apparatus in a similar manner to the Buchu and Uva-Ursi, though I think it preferable to either. It relieves irritation of the entire urinary tract, and improves the circulation and nutrition of these organs.

It also influences the processes of waste and nutrition, and possesses the properties termed alterative. In this respect it has not been thoroughly studied, though highly spoken of by some in the treatment of scrofula and secondary syphilis.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.