

Glycerine is principally employed in medicine for its topical action. It is slightly stimulant to both skin and mucous membrane, and shields the skin from the action of the air. In many cases of simple cutaneous irritation, it will prove curative alone. In others, it will prove a good vehicle for the application of other remedies. In some cases of dyspepsia, Glycerine is a true remedy, allaying irritation, and giving gentle stimulation.

Glycerine is an admirable solvent, and may be used as a basis for many preparations, both for local use, and internal administration.

Notwithstanding the opposition, I still prefer the cheap Glycerine, manufactured in this city, to the higher priced Eastern and Foreign article. An extended use of Gordon's No. 1 Perfumer's Glycerine, has proved to me that it is the most bland of any article in the market. The slight odor is not as objectionable as the irritant properties developed by repeated distillation.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.