Extracum Aloes. Br. Extract of Aloes.

Botanical name: 

Related entries: Aloe

Extrait d'Aloes, Fr.; Extractum Aloes, P. G.; Aloe-extract, G.; Estratto di aloe acquoso, It.

"Aloes, in small fragments, 1000 grammes; Distilled Water, boiling, 10,000 millilitres. Add the Aloes to the Distilled Water and stir well until they are thoroughly mixed; set aside the mixture for twenty-four hours; decant; strain; evaporate the strained liquid to dryness at a temperature not exceeding 60° C. (140° F.)." Br.

The object of this preparation is to afford an aloes purified from mechanical impurities. The process is based upon the British formulas for extracts of Barbados aloes and Socotrine aloes, formerly official. With an official purified aloes, the necessity for this preparation is not obvious. The U. S. P. IX dismissed Extract of Aloes and Aloe Purificata, but added tests for Aloes which exclude inorganic impurities, gum, etc. See Aloe. A powdered extract is official in the N. F. IV. An extract made with cold distilled water was formerly official in the German Pharmacopoeia, as was also the vitriolated extract, "Extractum Aloes Acido Sulfurico Correctum," made by suspending eight parts of extract of aloes in thirty-two parts of distilled water, adding drop by drop one part of pure sulphuric acid, and evaporating in a porcelain vessel to dryness.

Dose, one to five grains (0.06-0.3 Gm.).

Off. Prep.Decoctum Aloes Compositum, Br.; Extractum Colocynthidis Compositum, Br.; Pilulae Antiperiodicae, N. F.; Tinctura Antiperiodica, N. F.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.