Pengawar djambi. Paku eidang, Golden moss. Cibotium sp.

Botanical name: 

Pengawar Djambi. Paku Eidang. Golden Moss.—This is composed of silky, long, yellow or brownish hairs, very soft, which are obtained in Sumatra from the base of the shrub of various ferns, especially Cibotium Link. (Fam. Cyatheaceae), a peculiar fern related to Dicksonia. (See also S. W. P., 1910, No. 43, 661.) It has the power of causing rapid coagulation of blood, and, when properly used, of mechanically arresting hemorrhages from capillaries. It has been much used. in the physiological laboratories of Europe and this country, and was employed in human medicine during the Middle Ages under the name of Agnus Scythicus. The medieval drug was composed of pieces of the rhizome with the attached scales and petioles so cut as to resemble animals. Interest in the pengawar djambi was revived on account of the assertions of Junker of its usefulness during the Franco-German war. (L. M. R., Dec., 1887.) It is undoubtedly a very efficient styptic.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.