Punaria ascochingae.

Botanical name: 

Punaria Ascochingae.—This plant was said to belong to the Compositae and was native in Argentine; was asserted to be free from alkaloids, but to contain a glucosidal resin which is its active principle. Zehden (Med. Woch., 1906, No. 35) found it useful in asthma when the powder, made up into pastilles called asthma carbon, is burned and inhaled.

Holmes (P. J., 1908, lxxx, 316) says there is no plant known by this name and that the same substance was introduced many years ago and was really obtained from Brachycladi stuckertii.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.