Photo: Artemisia absinthium 07.

Photo: Artemisia absinthium 7.

Flowering tops, with the far smaller brown flowers of a mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris. Tammisaari archipelago, Finland. Wild. 2004-08-15.

Artemisia absinthium L.
Engl.: common wormwood, absinthe, absinthe wormwood, madderwort, old woman, wermuth, wormwood.
Deu.: Wermut, Absinth, Magenkraut.
Suom.: koiruoho, mali.
Sven.: äkta malört, gråbonde, malört.
Fran.: absinthe, armoise amère.
Bot. syn.: Absinthium vulgare Lam., Artemisia indica Willd.