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White deadnettle.

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How very interesting.

Eileen emailed to tell me that she's now finished scanning Steinmetz' Materia Medica Vegetabilis (part I - part II - part III), and that it's online in full on David Winston's site.

Thanks Eileen!

A quick "let's see what's in it" gives fancy facts about white deadnettle (Lamium album):

Flores Lamii Albi -- Labiatae
Lamium album Blind Nettle flowers, White Dead Nettle flowers. They are excellent against fluor albus, chlorosis and all debilities. The taste is sweetish.
(deleted Dutch version - it's in the .pdf if you want it)
Taubnesselblüten. Sie sind gut bei Weissfluss, Bleichsucht und bei sämtlichen Schwächezuständen. Der Geschmack ist süsslich.
(deleted French version)


And the entry on the herb:

Herba Lamii Albi -- Labiatae
Lamium album Blind Nettle herb. White Dead Nettle herb. A decoction is used against uterine floodings, nose bleed, spitting of blood and other kinds of haemorrhages. Its action is astringent.
(deleted Dutch version)
Taubnesselkraut. Eine Abkochung wird gegen Gebärmutterblutungen, Nasenbluten, Blutspucken und sonstige Blutungen verwendet. Die Wirkung ist zusammenziehend.
(deleted French version)

Hmmm. A styptic, not a reproductive anti-inflammatory. Very interesting - I'll have to try it for flooding instead of my usual stand-by, capsella. The Lamium is an enthusiastic weed in my garden, and it's found in lots of ditches around here, too.

Nice, isn't it, that others scan things, too. And that they then tell me about it, yay!

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