Vinum Rhei (N. F.)—Wine of Rhubarb.

Related entry: Rheum (U. S. P.)—Rhubarb - Calamus (U. S. P.)—Sweet Flag

Preparation.—"Rhubarb, in No. 30 powder, one hundred grammes (100 Gm). [3 ozs. av., 231 grs.]; calamus, in No. 30 powder, ten grammes (10 Gm.) [154 grs.]; stronger white wine (F. 440), a sufficient quantity to make one thousand grammes (1000 Gm.) [2 lbs. av., 3 ozs., 120 grs.]. Moisten the mixed powders with fifty grammes (50 Gm.) [1 oz. av., 334 grs.] of stronger white wine, pack the mixture in a conical glass percolator, and gradually pour enough stronger white wine upon it to make the filtered liquid weigh one thousand grammes (1000 Gm.) [2 lbs. av., 3 ozs., 120 grs.]"—(Nat. Form.). This is based on the U. S. P. (1880) formula.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—(See Rhei and Calamus.) Laxative and carminative. Dose, 1 to 4 or more fluid drachms.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.