Fig. 170. - 173. Roccella or Orchella Weed.

Fig. 170. - 173. Roccella or Orchella Weed.

Fig. 170. Roccella tinctoria. a. Thallus with apothecia. b. Ditto with soredia. c. Portion of thallus with three more developed apothecia. d. R. tinct. var. dichotoma.
Fig. 171. Roccella fuciformis.
Fig. 172. Roccella Montagnei. a. Thallus with soredia. b. Ditto ditto (magnified).
Fig. 173. Roccella phycopsis with soredia.

This image is from Orchella Weed in Pereira's Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1854.