Pulvis Myricae Compositus (Eclectic).—Compound Powder of Bayberry.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Myrica.—Bayberry

SYNONYM: Cephalic powder.

Preparation.—Take of bayberry bark and bloodroot, each, in powder, 1 drachm. Mix them (Beach's Amer. Prac.).

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—This powder is used either alone or combined with an equal part of common snuff, as a snuff, in catarrh, headache, polypus, etc. In obstinate affections of the nasal mucous membrane, it is frequently combined with sesquicarbonate of potash, 1 or 2 drachms, and golden seal, ½ ounce; or, with finely-powdered chloride of ammonium, 1 drachm. This powder should not be confused with the composition powder bearing the same name (see Related Powder).

Related Powder.—PULVIS MYRICAE COMPOSITUS (N. F.), Compound powder of bayberry, Composition powder. "Bayberry, bark of the root, sixty grammes (60 Gm.) [2 ozs. av., 51 grs.]; ginger, thirty grammes (30 Gm.) [1 oz. av., 25 grs.]; capsicum, five grammes (5 Gm.) [77 grs.]; cloves, five grammes (5 Gm.) [77 grs.]. Reduce the substances to a moderately fine powder. Note.—Bayberry root bark is derived from Myrica cerifera, Linné (Wax myrtle, Candleberry)"—(Nat. Form.). This powder is practically the same as the Thomson Composition Powder, or Number Six. It is a valuable diaphoretic when given in teaspoonful doses, in warm infusion. Useful in breaking up acute colds and in the consequences arising therefrom.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.