Nepeta cataria

Nepeta cataria

plant images Click here for photos of Nepeta cataria.

Nepeta cataria L.
Engl.: catnip, catmint, catnep.
Deu.: Gewöhnliche Katzenminze, Katzenminze.
Fran.: cataire, menthe des chats.
Sven.: kattmynta.
Suom.: aitokissanminttu, kissanminttu.
Span.: hierba gatera, menta de gato.
Pharm.: herba catariae, herba nepetae.
Bot. syn.: Cataria vulgaris Moench.

Nepeta cataria 'Citriodora'

Nepeta cataria 'Citriodora' L.
Engl.: lemon catnip.
Sven.: citronkattmynta.
Suom.: sitruunakissanminttu.

The cat herbs.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Valerian and catnip both have a reputation of driving cats wild.


Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Of catnip, lemon catnip and Caucasian catnip.



Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 10.1995.


Botanical name: 

Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 09.1995.

Catnip: uses.

Botanical name: 

Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 02.1994.