173-176 Common Service Tree, Manur'd Service Tree, Bay Tree, Coriander.

173 Common Service Tree. 173c Common Service Tree. Text page 044. 173. The Common Service Tree. Sorbus torminalis.

1. This Tree grows pretty tall, the Leaves are a light grass Green, the Flowers a very pale Yellow and the Berries red.
2. It grows in Woods and Thickets, flowring in May; but the Fruit is not ripe till October or November.
3. The Fruit is accounted restringent and binding, good for all kinds of Fluxes, either of Blood or Humors; when ripe it promotes Digestion and prevents the too hasty Passage of the Food into the Bowels; some commend it in Fevers attended with a Diarrhea.
4. Greek, Ουα. Latin, Sorbus vulgaris. Spanish, Sorbus. Italian, Sorbo salvatico. French, Sorbes sauvage. German, Eheraschen Bogelbeer. Dutch, Wilde Qualster.

174 Manurd Service Tree. 174c Manurd Service Tree. 174. The Manur'd Service Tree. Sorbus sativa.

1. This Tree grows much to the same Height as the former, the flowers are the same, the Leaves are a light Green on the Face & somewhat hoary on ye Back, and the Fruit a redish Brown.
2. It grows wild in Staffordshire and Cornwal, flowring in May, the Fruit being ripe in November.
3. The Fruit when green is very restringent, and useful for all kinds of Fluxes. This Fruit is seldome to be met with in our Markets, which obliges many to make Use of the former Service Tree in the Place of this.
4. Greek, Ουα. Latin, Sorbus legittima. Spanish, Sorbas. Italian, Sorba. French, Cormes. German, Sperbiern. Dutch, Tame Qualster.

175 Bay Tree. 175c Bay Tree. 175. The Bay Tree. Laurus.

1. The Bay Tree seldom grows to any great Bigness here, the Leaves are a dark Green above & a pale underneath, ye Flowers are yellowish, and the Berries Black.
2. It grows wild in Spain, Italy and France, flowring in May, the Fruit being ripe in October.
3. The Leaves and Berries are accounted heating, drying, and emollient good for Wind in the Stomach and Bowels, helping ye Collic, comforting ye Head and Nerves, preventing Infections, provoking Urine & the Menses, & expelling ye Secundines. Outwardly they are used in Warming and Strenghtening Fomentations & Ointments. Officinal Preparations are, the Elect. de Baccis Lauri, Emp. de Baccis Lauri, and the Oleum Laurinum.
4. Greek, Δαφνη. Latin, Lauris latifolia major. Spanish, Lauret. Italian, Lauro. French, Laurier. German, Lorberbaum. Dutch, Laurierboom.

176 Coriander. 176c Coriander. 176. Coriander. Coriandrum.

1. It grows to be two or three Foot high, the Leaves are a bright Green, and the Flowers white.
2. It grows wild in some Places, but is commonly sown for the Benefit of the Seed, flowring in Iune.
3. The Seed is esteem'd to strengthen the Stomach & expell Wind & is frequently used to correct strong purging Medicines. Some account it good for the Kings Evil.
4. Greek, Κοριον η Κοριαννον. Latin, Coriandrum majus vulgare. Spanish, Ciliandro. Italian, Coriandolo. French, Coriandre. German, Coriander. Dutch, Coriander.

A Curious Herbal, Containing Five Hundred Cuts of the Most Useful Plants, Which Are Now Used in the Practice of Physick was written, drawn, engraved and coloured by Elizabeth Blackwell in 1737 (Vol. 1) and 1739 (Vol. 2).